Systems Integration
ACG is able to provide for every technical aspect of your theater or venue. We are proud to offer Electronic Theater Controls (ETC) dimming, control, and fixtures with an abundance of other manufacturers that allow us to provide complete systems from lighting to rigging and audio. Our ETC factory-certified technicians make sure your system is installed to industry standards.
We also employ Entertainment Technician Certification Program (ETCP) certified technicians Michael Macario (Rigger - Theatre, #2515) and Jordan Leek (Entertainment Electrician, #2889). ETCP “endeavor(s) to develop a Personnel Certification Program to the highest standards that recognizes individuals who have demonstrated knowledge, skills, and abilities in specific entertainment technology disciplines. By providing a thorough, independent assessment of aptitude, ETCP strives to enhance safety, improve performance, stimulate training, reduce workplace risk, and give due recognition to the professional skills of entertainment technicians.”
Not building a new venue, theatre, or sanctuary? We specialize in retro fit installations, whether it’s a complete system into your existing building or just a part of the existing system. Our design team is able to specify the most cost effective solution for your needs with the ability to upgrade your existing system to a sustainable lighting system.
See our line card for manufacturers we carry!